
Thursday 2 April 2015

Batman Vs Robin Movie review

Before  going into this I knew that fans of the comic would potentially be upset and in some ways I am too but that does not take away from some thoroughly enjoyable moments.

Damien was over powered and batman underpowered and for a superhero with no powers that's saying something.

Batman was far from the Worlds greatest detective
Suspecting that Damien had taken a life because of the baterang that had absolutely no blood on it. And again not realising when he was kidnapped that they must have known about his plans for Gotham somehow and he only showed one person who happens to  be rich enough to be an owl.

No Contingency Plan
As we know batman is not the most powerful but he is always prepared and that's how he wins against god like villains but batman vs robin  had a badly prepared batman get his ass handed to him they took away his greatest power.

Batmans Motivation
One thing I did not like was the exploration of batmans parents being murdered by organized crime and not just some random act it the idea that being a victim of crime could happen to anyone even the powerful Wayne's gave batman the will to protect anyone innocent. An organized hit on people for an action good or bad takes away the random victimization as in you can avoid being shot in the night if you join the court opposed to you are  be shot because the man with the gun says so.

Damien was just too powerful beating night wing and fighting batman as a near equal and this again took away from the batman in order to give more to Damien. From what I gather based  on  the end of the film DC are trying to introduce Damien to more of the audience badly.

Looking at the film from the perspective of ignorance towards accurate character  and comic adaptation batman vs robin is good film the animation is pretty descent and the fight scenes are great to watch also some moments of comedy. I think DC are just trying to increase Damien Wayne’s popularity for future ventures badly.

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